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|| Friday, December 04, 2009 || || 8:56 AM ||

Whoa! Can't believe that I didn't blog for like 2 weeks.
or is it more than that? Hahah.

Well,before I continue right,
in my posts shall be as colourful as the rainbow.

Starting off with school life.
I guess everything's okay now,
since currently this is the last week of school for me,
as I have no mid-semester tests :P
But the past two weeks were the most hectic weeks ever.
I didn't get much sleep and all,
stayed up all day and night just to finish up reports and assignments.
I also screwed up some of my tests, but I guess that's part of life.
There were also times that I really broke down,
because there was just WAY TOO much stuff to do.
and it really affected me, A LOT,
in terms of the state of mind and my health.
And also now, I just found out that i'm the VP for the Open Source Club.
=.= More added work for me, argh!
Don't know how much more work can they pile me with.
But what to do, I just obey.
Obey like a freaking dog!

As for my social life,
let's just say that it's still the same old same old.
And i've got a confession to make,
i don't think i'll be planning to get a girl now.
with my tight schedule and all, I don't think i even have the time to get myself,
a nice and sweet girl..
As much I have friends who are trustworthy and all,
I do have friends who are just being friends for fun purposes.
Treat me only when they are bored and all.
Only want just fun, and that's it.

As for this red section, are some things that I really have to let out.
And, I don't care if the person gets affected.
This is regarding someone that i was close to for 4++ years.

I don't know why, but now, i just feel that you have seriously changed.
And i'm not angry at you just because you broke up with me.
trust me, i jolly-well got over it as it wasn't worth crying it for a very long time.
but just that, from a FRIEND'S POINT OF VIEW,
YOU treat me like a freaking stranger.
Not even a word of Hi or Hello...
YOU keep treating me as I do not exist.
But I can tell you this: I DON'T CARE.
Because I don't mind you ignoring me and all.
But, what I'm REALLY pissed off is that,
A CLOSE FRIEND you had from PSL until now,
YOU also ignored him as well.
YOU seriously let him down, because he really believe that you were one good friend to him.
Now you are like shunning your old friends away..
Treating us like some pieces of tissue..
Once already wet, THROW AWAY.

The bottom line is: YOU HAVE CHANGED!
For the better or the worse, I don't know actually.
I can't tell.
But i'm just pissed that you just shun him away.
isn't me at all.

Well that feels so much better now.
A big pain off my chest now.
I just needed to let it out,
and this blog is considered to be the medium.

Anyway, will be away somewhere for 1 week.
Will blog about it as soon as I come back okay?
I'll promise.


|| Tuesday, November 17, 2009 || || 10:02 AM ||


My siblings' presents (majority of them are my sis's)

Cake made by my lovely mum! haha. NICE RIGHT!?

Fathimah & Adam =]

2am in the morning and i'm blogging.

well, this is like the only time i'm free,
so might as well get a chance to blog ya?

Well, for the past two weeks have been kinda hectic lately.
And as usual, it's all due to school.
Well this term teaching thingy is seriously driving me mad.
There was one of the days that I broke down as the pressure was freaking high.
I hit my freaking boiling point.

Apart from the busy school life,
family time is getting better,
with my sister's and brother's birthday.
and also, i treated them to some stuff.
Not gonna say it here, heh.

And also, my Aikido life.
Let's just say life's getting better with my two other bros,
Kris and Zi Zhao.
In addition to the family will be Aini and Leslie.
but whenever i'm with them right,
all my troubles and stress with school are like gone,
just like that!

And also, an update.
I injured my freaking thumb.
So yeah!
it was all thanks to Saturday training.
hope it heals soon, so that i can get back into action.

for my social life.
Haha, still the same old single guy.
Just find it hard to look for any more ladies.
So in the meantime i'll just have my friends around.
I'm like so not in a rush to go for a relationship,
ever since the last one.


|| Monday, November 02, 2009 || || 8:01 AM ||

It's already November uh..
That's freaking quick..

I haven't been blogging for the past few weeks,
mainly because of a lot of things that happened during that time.
Talks, presentations, projects, PR stuff..
Workload's gonna kill me, but what the heck.
It'll be worthwhile.

The last two weeks made me think through about my friends.
In my opinion,
I currently have two kinds of friends.

The first kind of friends are those who just befriend me for enjoyment,
but then "dumps" me when he or she finds me boring.
i would say these kind of people are leeches,
only know how to suck on other people's happiness only.
but when in times of trouble they'll just walk away,
pretending that they do not know me at all.

The second kind of friends,
are those that i really respect.
Those who would actually be there for me in times of trouble,
don't even dump me even though disputes happen between us,
and most importantly,
they do not abandon me at all.

There are alot of my friends who are those second kind ones,
but the ones that I'm close to right,

I'm proud to tell you that these are my friends that are the second-kind:

My C200 Brothers in Cyber & Digital Security

Comments: My classmates since Year 1, and also at that time, we've been kinda bonded together (with the help of Mr Lim). Been through a lot of things together. And SHOCKINGLY, those that I thought who are not good, are good after all. =] You guys surely have a lot of surprises under your sleeves. And also, i'm proud that most of us are RHCT certified. Words can never express my happiness to you guys (not sounding gay or whatsoever ba). So i thank you guys for being the best classmates and buddies ever man. I'll write another comment on this class once we graduate ya? =]

My TP Aikido Club Mates!

Man, you guys are the reason why I love to be in TP, seriously! =] Everytime a week of school starts, i'll always look forward to training with you guys. And, Aikido never fails to cheer me up, no matter how down or pissed i am. Halfway through the training i'll confirm be in my true, cheerful self. I wish that this bond will stay forever and hope the club can still prosper ya??


To Zi Zhao & Kris : AAAHHH! I've never found such good friends like you guys. You never fail to like brighten my day with jokes (zi zhao) and other stuff such as excessive whining by Kris. (hahahahah!). But it's actually these small things that really adds up to a fruitful friendship indeed. I really appreciate the help that you guys gave me, be it in training or in other stuff. I really wish we could be best friends forever and still see each other after our poly years. YOU GUYS ARE WHAT I REALLY CALL TRUE FRIENDS. I don't know how else could I repay you guys.

And note to you two : I LOVE YOU GUYS MAN!!! YOU ROCK!!!

To Weina: OBAA-CHAN!! Thank you for being a good and wise granny. Your advices that you gave me led me to a path which is actually right =] HAHA! and thank you so much for all the help that you gave me. I'm really in debt.

You three deserve my highest respect that I could ever give,
because you guys are like family to me.

Well that's all that I wanted to blog.

Will blog again when I have the time.


|| Wednesday, October 28, 2009 || || 6:40 AM ||

There's only one thing that i have to say right now:

I'm losing myself.


|| Sunday, October 18, 2009 || || 9:12 AM ||

As for today,
it was the TP-SP Combined training.
Well it was fun training with them.
But one thing's for sure.
I was so damn high that i went 3 rounds of Randori.
Defended one, attacked twice.
Ate with the guys,
and then met up with my family at Eastpoint.
bought myself a new webcam (finally!!!)

A warning to all my friends (both Aikido and outside):

I'm gonna turn ugly soon.
Not in terms of appearance,
but my character.

I'm sorry.
It's for your own good guys.


|| Friday, October 16, 2009 || || 6:49 AM ||

3 more days to school.

For this final week of holidays I promised to myself
that it will be the most unforgettable and enjoyable week ever.
And so far,
it's starting to come true.
the verdict will come on Sunday when i blog again,
provided that I'm not lazy enough to blog.

On Tuesday went out raya with my Aikido family.
Seriously, the chinese peeps wearing traditional costume look so good!
Particularly to Kris (who looks more nyonya-like..reflects her Ah Ma-ness)
and Lin Quan (he really looks like some student who came back from religious class!!)

Started off at Aini's house wit the Mee Siam.
Comment: Mee Siam was nice, but spicy. HAHA! maybe because i was sick at that time, so i couldn't take spicy stuff too much. Excuses only..

Next was Azhari's house.
It was both a sad and happy occasion.
Didn't want to write about the sad part.
but the happy part la ehh..
found out some secrets..
certain THINGS that CERTAIN people are scared of...

Followed by my house.
One thing that I could remember was Aini eating 4 pieces of cake that my mum made.
she was like saying "SOOO DELICIOUSSS!!!"
also we played the Batsu game...
Punishment was the standard Nikkyo lock.
my mum was like "Eeyer..can't believe you people play this kind of game.."

Last but not least was Ridzwan's house.
ate a lot of titbits there.

On Wednesday was my Hari Raya outing,
but this time with my classmates Jauhari and Nuruddin.
Though it was 3 houses only,
but man it was sure fun.

Army of Two (Xbox 360) + Jauhari's mum's Fried Rice & Sambal Goreng = WHOOO HOOO!!

On Thursday was kinda screwed up at first.
Reason being is that I was really angry with my time-table.
My timetable on Thursday is from 9am to 9pm!
It hinders me from going to Aikido training.
Appealed for a shift of timing for my Contemporary French.
So gonna have to wait.
Was in a very bad mood during the start of the training.
then slowly it fades off.
One thing's for sure,
Aikido can never make me have a bad mood throughout the training,
because of the people that i train with.

After training, rushed straight to Kris's birthday party (without Kris knowing that I was attending)
But the most memorable thing that i can remember from the party was what her classmates got for her.

To Kris: Happy 18th Birthday in advance!! hahah. May your life be full of happiness. Hope you fulfill your wishes k bro? And, i would like to take this opportunity to say sorry if i say anything that might offend to hurt you when in the midst of teasing you (i've done a lot of it right?)

lastly, thanks for being a good friend/brother to me for the past one year man. Really appreciate it. =D.

went to school for a while, to give the freshmen some insight on their upcoming modules.
after that headed to Temasek Holdings to attended the SYC briefing.
Met Suresh, Min Jia, Harry, Khairi and Xin Ying.
and John was conducting the briefing with his jokes inserted throughout the duration of the briefing.
Went home with the guys.

Well that's about what happened.
As for my thoughts,

One thing is only bugging my mind right now : Aikido club.

Initially, my main aim was actually to build the bonds between the freshies,juniors and seniors.
Well, I guessed that was achieved.
However, during the course of achieving that aim,
our standard totally dropped.
I mean, though we do have the belts,
doesn't mean that we are of that standard.
I realised that after the recent grading,
when my own TP freshies got scolded by Sensei because they really sucked (honest opinion).
At that time,
I blamed myself for what they are right now.
It was my mistake.
Should have been stern to them from the beginning.
Guess I was just too nice.

And also,
I also realised that the standard of the Aikido club reflects on how well I led the club,
how I led the juniors,
how I led the main committee.
I guess something needs to be done now.

I'm gonna make the move now.
It's either you're with me or not.


|| Wednesday, October 07, 2009 || || 5:14 AM ||

2nd last week of holidays.
Now things are starting to pick up.

Been busy lately nowadays,
thanks to the NetRider competition.
so from monday onwards,
went back to school from 9am to 5pm.
kept revising my networking topics.
CCNA 1 to 4.

On Tuesday,
found out that Nenek Anjang passed away.
Innalillah Wa Inna Ilayhi Ra'jiun.

What made me shocked is that i visited her two weeks ago during Hari Raya.
She looked so fine when she was talking to my mum and the rest of us.
And when i asked her for forgiveness,
she told me to study hard and do well.
Then she kissed my cheeks.

Because of this, it became a flashback when my mum broke the news to me.

This morning,
went to Nenek Anjang's house.
Her body was brought from the hospital to her house.
I could see my 2nd cousins tearing.
Could understand that as they are much more closer to her.
Helped out with the bringing down of the washing equipment that was used to bathe the corpse before we wrap it with cloth.
Did the prayers, carried the corpse all the way to the bus.
And that was it.

I pray to Allah that she'll be fine.
This is a sad week for me.
